You've Been Branded!

If your Bronco's been branded, you're in the most exclusive and badass Bronco community on earth: Fero Machines.

Someone likes your rig and thought you should deserved an in. Slap that patch and sticker on to rep the brand like a badge of honor, then brand other Broncos with our official Fero Brand Patch + Tag Kits!

Fero Brand Patch Designs

Ready to Brand a Bronco?

Here's How it Works:

Write your name or Instagram handle on the tags.

Place a patch and tag on every Bronco you like!

About Us

What's Fero Machines?

Fero is the root of "ferocity" and describes a driving force toward a critical objective. For us, it's to be our best, create high quality products and build the most capable and inspiring machines we can.

For the Bronco community, it represents a rare breed of Broncos and their owners with an uncompromising commitment to utility and style on and offroad. Read more here.

Ducked, Bucked and Branded

The Story

In life, there are countless ways we join in camaraderie, recognize achievements, collect memorabilia and share in our "tribe's" culture. Challenge Coins, Geocaching, Trophies/Awards/Metals, Baseball Cards and Scout Patches are just a few examples.

For Jeep owners, it's the rubber ducks. If you've ever heard of "Ducking" or "You've Been Ducked", you know it's when a Jeep owner places a rubber duck on another Jeep they like with a complimentary note about their rig. It's fun and the ducks roll off the dash at every turn. But the idea of dappin' up a fellow owner and letting them know you like their rig has created a highly sought after community and culture.

As new Bronco owners, we're inspired by Jeep culture, but want to make it our own, and better in every way. So Ben Peacock, founder of Fero, spent several months redesigning the experience for the Bronco community.

Beyond the elements that make up "Ducking", there were a few criteria he wanted to ensure were met:

  • Small footprint, shareable, displayable.
  • Room for 100s of unique, collectible designs.
  • Attachable, removable, stationary, and durable.
  • Includes a customizable tag, fastener and premium vinyl sticker.
  • Fits the Fero Bronco lifestyle attitude and style.

A small 1-2" ranger eye-style morale patch was the perfect way to meet all of these the criteria. Here's why:

The 6th Gen Bronco has a lot of Velcro/carpet-like material on the back of the rear seats and the hard top liner. These areas receive hook-and-loop (i.e. Velcro) patches perfectly.

Ben has designed and will continue to design patches that coincide with the iconic Bronco lifestyle. To add even more value, we included the tags, hang tag fasteners and a premium vinyl sticker on the flip side.

Most importantly, Ben designed the entire experience to fit the Fero/Bronco lifestyle. That's where the "Fero Brand" came in. It's more than a name or label. It's a mark of belonging and ambition. When you drive a Bronco and rep the Fero Brand, you're part of a rare breed of Bronco owners.

If you've been branded a Fero Machine, consider it a badge of honor. You're now part of the most badass Bronco community in existence. So, wear the brand proudly and pass it on!

I have been watching the evolution of Fero Machines since day one. Their product and designs just keep getting better and better, and I’m here for it all. I can’t wait to see what they come out with next!

Austin Barnett, Buckwild Offroad

70k+ Community

Thousands of badass customers and one of the largest independent communities for Bronco owners.